I’m killin’ it on the food front. pancakes with blueberries & facon for breakfast this morning, cliff bar and apple for lunch yesterday, black bean tacos for dinner last night.
I threw a life spread last night and just stared at it. So confusing. I got a little self-conscious about doing it out at the picnic table by lantern light – seemed a little “too too” so I put it all away before I landed anywhere with it. I wonder if this kind of time – thinking, drawing, hiking, writing – is it fixing me?
I feel a weird pressure to be doing something today – like, productively with my time. Like I have this great chance to be out in this beautiful countryside and if I’m not actively taking in its beauty I should be doing something worthy of skipping that – like writing a novel or some shit. But mostly, I’m just sitting in my camp chair watching campers camp. Lots of families – lots of wee girls. It’s all birders. What will I do today? Camping is kind of all about doing. Lots of packing / unpacking, taking out, using, cleaning, putting away.
I’m back. No hiking today. I just walked down to the park and wandered around looking for somewhere to swim. I failed. I mostly spent the day in my camp chair working through my Lynda Barry books.
And now the rain has stopped I’m going to make tea and eat peanut butter cookies.